Monday, March 17, 2008


To think of what things will be like IF Obama gets elected. To cut to the chase, let me send you to Stephanie's blog (see sidebar) please read "Take the time to read". She has all the important links to have a better background on the subject. She's a good researcher. My thing is that BO was interviewed by Hannity & Colmes on FNC, and his only (quite pitiful) defense was that "he never heard sermons like that on any of the Sundays he was there." Well, gee, Barack, you must not have very good attendance over the past 20 years! I'm sorry, but someone who preaches that much hate is not filled with the Holy Spirit that I know. The highlights I've been seeing on the news are probably just the tip of an iceberg of lots more things that are highly disagreeable to the average American, no matter what color you are. A good friend of mine asked me just the other day what I thought of him, and we were definetely on the same page of fear and disgust in our feelings towards him. Today the news has been reporting that this will all blow over because "Reverend Wright" is retired and no longer on BO's campaign committee, but here's my big problem with that: at another point in the H&C interview, Barack said that he's known RW for so long, and is so close to him, that he thinks of him more like an Uncle than a counselor. Um, isn't that worse news?

On a side note, I guess I got down on blogging because my site meter has been reporting that NO ONE visits. But when someone told me in person about something they read on my blog, that was very encouraging! So when I read Steph's page, instead of leaving a comment on her blog, and sort of leaving it there, I wanted to continue the train of thought on my blog.
So who's out there, who's reading, and what do YOU think?!


Steph said...

I'm out here! I read your blog! In fact, I'm reading from my in-laws house! I think the blog meter is less-than-perfect in recording hits but it's a good indicator. Sometimes I feel like no one is reading my blog either so I'm not particularly motivated to hunker down on my computer when the weather is so gorgeous outside. I really do plan to cover politics a lot more once the kids are out of school. Plus, I don't want to talk about all of my thoughts now when the election is not until November. Anyway, blog about what you want, when you want and don't worry about how many "hits" you're getting. Happy blogging!

PS: Thanks for the props!

Stacy said...

I'm reading, too girly! Give it time...You keep blogging and that sitemeter will eventually increase its number :)

I love reading your thoughts & just think it's the coolest thing ever that I can keep up with you this way!

Would love to have you visit one LORD's Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shannon. I'm reading whenever I get a chance. Keep at it!

Pirello said...

I read when I can get away form the books and kids. I do agree with you on Obama. I feel if he gets elected than this country will REALLY go downhill...FAST..