Saturday, March 29, 2008

I feel better.

So... obviously yesterday was rough, and I just had to get some things off my chest. That's the stress of waiting tables for a living. A lot of people who eat out have no clue that servers make $2.13 an hour, and are completely oblivious to the fact that tips are our only real income.
Anyways, I had a yard sale today, and I reached my goal on money and got rid of a lot of stuff so I am feeling lots better. I can't enjoy this beautiful weather because Kaylee's allergies are SO bad so I'll stay inside and CLEAN!


Steph said...

How can the restaurants get away with paying y'all $2.13/hour, legally speaking? I've always wondered this. Maybe you should just turn this blog into a service industry blog where all of us can ask you are burning questions! Y'all should were little pins that say "Hey! I only make 2 bucks an hour... TIP WELL!" And kudos on a yard sale... it feels good to get junk out of your house I'm sure. I should try it sometime!